Friday, December 15, 2006


been so-called mugging for the last 2 weeks. all these studying, even though, i will still obtain a less than 3.0 gpa. u can say i'm mediocre.

have since took a period of rest from work, so as to go embarkin on 2 different missions-commontests and taipei. Both missionimpossibles hav caused me to fall sick for 3 days in a row. all those memorising and trials and errors of different clothings actually blurred my thoughts. sometimes i feel excited for Taipei, sometimes i feel excited that tests are ending. Now, my vision has been greatly affected by constant runningnose, i think i hav no mood to go anywhere but i have huge appetite tt i can swallow one elephant down. put everything aside, one good thing is that i have been meeting shawnny for the past 2days and hes gg to fetch me to airport tmr. how endearing..

i am thinking shld i put on make up over at taipei? dajie even had the thought of bringing fake eyelashes. haha.. ok.. i think we shld look presentable overseas right..

okkkkk sidetrack abit, the final test ended today. haha! but my flu is still ongoing so i dun feel any euphoria.

BROUGHT 6 PAIRS OF AA BATT FOR THE CAMERA. HAHAHAHAHHAHAA!!! CAN TAKE 1200PHOTOS. lovelyy photos.. crazyyy shit photos.. even bringin the camcorder there..

and i will miss baby mumble. baby shawnny. baby shawnzhongtusi. baby zhong. baby *ROARR*

Monday, December 11, 2006

happy 20th birthday

the guts and more guts behind the camera

my worship ground
the delicious set.


on the way to town
the newly opened AMK 24-hr mac

the night of villa bali
basically.. major events happened at Waraku, Holland V (where a chevrolet drifted), Villa Bali and the lovely desserts @ McCafe. Really a Happy Birthday for my darlingz, shawnzhongtusi. and you should say 'thanks for everything' and i will say 'you're lovely.' it wouldnt be fun without shawnny's friends cos i totally bored shawnny out. damn it.

Thursday, December 07, 2006


xlxlxl. can u hear da beat pumpin.
illusionist cum deejay
smile baby!

thats bloody mary. juz kidding! ribena vodka

lljj, jy, xl, pw, jl, ken

war.. syonan.

rock lee

welcome to my dancefloor

xlxlxl and jyjyjy

xl's sensei
theme: war and peace *_*V

2nd storey

the famous xl and lljj. haha

shawnny is so goooooood to me. as a baby of his, i really appreciate what he has done... rushin to and fro his house, nyp, chin swee rd and perak rd juz for the sake of me and my fren, xl. he even bought me jian dao jian.. but what the fuck, our packets had been diao bao-ed. another guy took our packets. zzzzzz.

was v sad when shawnny had to leave for camp....

its reunion time. ok maybe for me its reunion. maybe for them, its jus a gig la!

Monday, December 04, 2006


i am very very very very very disturbed and affected by SAW III.

i felt extremely terrible. all those bloody brain juices, intestines, twisted joints, rippedoff ribcages... gimme a break.

afterall i am still not suitable to watch such R21 show.

and.. i am still looking at ThePrestige's message board at

i wonder if fallon and borden are actually twins or juz a clone of the real one. my drums are still rolling on its own. who can stop it and gimme a final answeR? can i speak to the screenwriter or sth.

Sunday, November 26, 2006

happy feet

baby is actually gloria! she is juz like her but she dun wanto admit!



ho....... am at shawnny's place. he is da bianing now, as usual. hAA! ytd's night went to watch HAPPYfeet. it IS SO DARN COMICAL,MUSICAL,TOPSICLE. ho.. my baby's belly is like lovelace's. my baby's head is like mumble's. and when mumble's young that time, my baby is totally like him. ho! i liked all the dancings and of coz ultimately, the moral of the story. its sayin that we, the humans, shldnt capture all the fish from the sea, these lil penguins will suffer coz no fish! ola. i luvvv mumble. he's so brave, like shanggeok&steph. and gloria is ahmol coz she has a lot of suitors. HAHAH! wadehell. and i'm like norma jean coz i'm old.

after the movie, went to clarkekweh's tcc to meet my sis and her frens! got 2ndsgt also! baby's 2ndsgt in navy camp. they VS soccer b4. like how funny. hmmm.. den.. went to a pub called log stock, juz opp raffles hotel. coz shawnny's fren was celebratin his bdae. all the photos taken are fr lousy phone cams. hahahaa! drank some softdrink instead of boozie. hmm.. heard xl performing at raffles hotel but I DUNO coz she nv jio lo. so sad. missss thoseeeeeee days w miss xl and mr. lljj ok his name bein changed to rock lee. ahhahahaahhaa!


Monday, November 20, 2006

clipped nails

okkkk. i finally clipped my nails, in the middle of the night. Recall: i am a damn lam nua person. baby passed his bike. ok i dun think i will sit behind him unless he's really experienced/good rider. many many have passed awayy and many = pillions. (touch wood)

suddenly, i thought how u guys take a bath? i hav several steps.
1. wet myself from head to toe. foam my hair. and leave it.
2. use the body shampoo.
3. rinse my body and the head together.
4. condition my hair.
5. clean and clean thoroughly.
6. thats all.
i believe u guys have different steps or u think mine kinda weird?

i find the paper shop @ PS interesting. it has so many designs. but each costs $1.50, like not worth it? maybe i can do a better paintin myself.

2dae went 2nd mini steamboat with my nephewzhong. ahha. totalled $27. cheap. coz i was really full. think its equivalent to eatin abt 25m&m chocs. ytd went mt faber with his frens. so many cars. but i like vios best. haha! i wan buy a bentley/lambo for my baby in 20yrs time. baby u noe i'm bullshitin.

wan meet up w dajie (the funniest lady in the world) this wednesday but duno leh. zzzzzz...s.s.s

i dun like CHAO JI BAO XIAO WANG. they are idiots. do taiwan comedians make a fool out of themselves like what singapore wannabes did in the competition? NO. see xiao zhu. see NONO. see ah ya. see wu zhong xian. see shanggeok. no link. but she's funny.

the juedui superstar wannabes oso can feed on my shit. but i think the skinny girl w the fair complexion's voice is nice.

i am a suspender/londoner-wannabe. 25 days more.

baby, happy 7mths minus one day. =)

Tuesday, November 14, 2006


tts like.. in may..

yesshhhhh back fr vivocity (w/o qiao ling for ur info coz she had diarrhoea) .. i walked the whole(ok maybe seventenths) of the mall. all right, i'd pampered myself a 35bucks zara gray trf knitwear, a hooded one. it doesnt mean hip hop k. tried the 75bucks black pants. nth special behind or at the front. and its too long for my short legs also. so? shldnt waste money. ok u guys, shld juz take 61 fr np and its only 40mins trip although u can get giddy after 4mins. :(

i am still reveling in the 6 shirts and 1 miniskirt i bought from This Fashion. only $42 after 20percent discount. i'm so so glad. i really really lurrrve topshop and mng. but i cant buy. its so exp that such impulsive act can deplete my only worthy resources-money. maybe i've learnt fr my erjie, kio pee hey. ya.. if exp, dun buy. ahhahaa!! so far i only hav two things fr mng. none fr topshop. :x

i like to be lam nua. but ppl say y i work and yet i still wear same clothes. i try not to be lam nua ok. but i still lurrves lamnuaness coz it looms. wtf. i'll be off to work in an hr's time. so super sian but i'm glad i'm not workin for the next 2 days. and thurs will be the PARTY at shanggeok's place where many caucasians cross over. u'll be wondering its holland but actually is ang mo kio. zz

look i'm blogging like shanggeok's style but no one can beat her style lah like seriously. hehe..

i really hate the fact that pple thinks i'm fr china. ok so wad i'm fair? doesnt mean i'm fr china. maybe my ancestors ok. not me. i can turn into a super-tanned person if i want to. my darkest period(super-tanned me) was when i pri 4 coz i spent a day over at fantasy island with my parents. lol

call me belachan lim. and call my baby bean zhong. okae. see u guys like nex year. bye.

like finally finished the 1200word info paper for COMT module. itss irritatingly irritating. tmr's comt again. IAC again. we are all blessed with selfpreference IS modules nex yr. my COMT grpmates muz hav been thinkin i'm a mad dawg coz i cant communicate with them properly and normally like a 19yr old lady. i cant really speak normally. i'm stupid and troublesome. i nid a break fr grpwork. i work alone, always. anti-social mad dawg i am.

Monday, October 30, 2006


that girl in the middle looks so like me. i'm gonna die and vanish coz i cant accept the fact someone's back look like my back. ok lurbe u all, *tiao he*

this is GIANT mascot. ahhaha!! we bumped into him/her.. damn funny can!

forget it. i'm crazy like one mad dawg.

would u dance with me?

none of them is me. i dun even appear on that day. sadness looms.

Tuesday, October 24, 2006


baby is the best baby in the world.
the only similarity between us* is that both of us like to EAT and both of us are hilarious.
the differences between us are unlimited. *sadness looms*

he's V FUNNY like me. we went to eat pastamania with sis&frens and mum&fren. he ordered baked rice and the combo C which includes a drink and three pieces of garlic bread. after eatin 1/5, he told me his ordered food was not enough to fit his craving. den i say 'okok.. that 1/5 is equivalent to eating one m&m choc' u noe wad he say back to me? he say 'nono actually only 1/2 of one m&m choc' ok funny rite? -_- hahah!

when he finished the rice, i say wah u've jus eaten only 5 m&m choc den he say no lah. 2 only. haHahAhAha. ok we ended up not orderin mORE food.

my sis asked whether he's gone out with yingjie or shengzhong Tu Si. hahaha den he say yes!!! HaHaHa!!! =D inside joke neh...


hmmmmmmmmmmmm!!! i hate my IS. theres a record!! i worked 18 days fr 26th sept till 25 oct!!! damn tiring !!! i'm going to DIE. ok coming up event will be a free hair DYE by the loreal pple, credits to X who intro me! smileesss!!

current PSI : 43
current last channel 8 drama: enchanted life *zhuan shi qing yuan*
current fave: shengzhongtusi

Tuesday, October 10, 2006


sighhs... although i won a pair of deathnote tix from channel u, i still dun feel good. whgahahha.. me n my sis were eatin onion&egg. cheese prata, egg prata and maggie goreng. u muz be wonderin why we ate JUZ onion&egg without prata. its the buyer's fault. i sms him* onion egg prata. cheese prata. egg prata. maggie goreng. but the sms in his hp turned out to be in such alignment ....

maggie goreng.
onion egg
prata. cheese
prata. egg
prata. ok.

there he phoned me ask me wad's 'prata ok'.. i shld hav been very smart to hav guessed that he actually interpreted it as PRATA CHEESE, PRATA EGG, PRATA OK. omg. ended up eating pure onion+egg. ahhahaha! he's my papa!!!

eatin such heaty food late at night had caused my sis to oversleep. so we walked to people's park to get my money 1st. den took 143 to taka to deposit my money. and more walking walking walking.... ate MOSburger..

den den den walk back to wisma side to top up my ezlink.. and and and walk to heerennn see see and pee pee ... after that took 36 to millenia walk.. and there she went for work.

damn jia lat.. wanted to buy yuza and red date syrup for my ah ma. so went MS. spent $26 on two bottles. i think they weigh 1.6kg or more. ok. damn damn damn jialat.. the weather was still so hazy.

tried to wait for 961 for almost half n hr and realised it is a weekend bus. fuck. so took 52 and transfer 54!!! until ANDREW ROAD. walked 1km into MEDIACORPSE with that 2kg stuffs. i'm dying....

i tihnk i became a corpse b4 i can reach their reception. i think i had like 100grams of sweat which became 100cm cube of dirt after enterin the air con area. i took a breather at the toilet.

actually wanted to take taxi to my ah ma house but i was DETERMINED TO SPEND NO MONEY ON CAB. finally.. walked only 200metres to the lornie road bus stop which i can take freakin 57 to ah ma house!!! i forgot its 56 or 57. well at least i got my destination. and i think i can walk the 24klick!!!! ARMY HERE I COME.

yea.... finally make some tea for my ah ma and 3gugu. yep.... after that met sis again to eat SUBWAY. yep. had subway club FOOTLONG. ahhaha! not enuff at all!

man.. i was typin this entry when my wyreless mouse suddenly no BATT. fuck. haha! =( meeting wengbf tmr. hahaha!

Thursday, October 05, 2006

baileys and mojito

its real amazin' when X sms to ask me out. coz its like once in 10 yrs she wld ask me go out. or put in another way, i do the asking-out-thing 99.5% of the time so its indeed a surprise to hav X asked me for a meeting. *giggle*

today is my off day.. i was intendin to go for a jog fr my hse to esplanade?(i dun think i wld go) when X sms me! i thought i would be spending dinner with sister. i never never never will think of X as one whom i could chill with coz i've tried 102times b4. so its really no pt to ask her again. yep. guess wad.. we went to eat the XINGWANG hk cafe @ cine. suddenly, X spoke of alice, saying she really miss her. ok i do miss her too. but hav to admit the miss-periods are over. maybe such period will come again in the future, like a pandemic. AY, we wanted to share this rob-b-hood with u. nex time when u come back, maybe i go rent den three of us watch k. smiless*ok. the bo luo bao is sucky. dun try! and the rest is so-so. yawns. after that, watched roB-b-hood. damn funny!!!! WAHhHhHh..

eventually walked to Rouge outdoors to CHiLL.. i wanted to try baileys real lot so X kindly requested for a baileys irish cream with milk for me and mojito(pronounced as mo-i-to) for herself. okaes. i dun really tolerate the milky feeling. instead i kop mojito. ahhaha. i sucx. mojito is really heavenly refreshing drink like the iced limau(kopitiam) but its somewhat 12 times more pricey.

yea.. shawnybf's call in the house yo.. he talked to X.. askin her abt the airWAVE. all right. HaHa... hmm.. i like to make my shawnybf laugh. i wan to hear his idiotic laughter but i rarely hear it!! i guess my humor is worth only 2cents. maybe 2dollars to others. 5dollers to myself.

lljj is havin fun with his girl. HAVE REAL FUN, LLJJ!!!

Wednesday, October 04, 2006


yummy yummy. cant believe i enjoyed my mcspicy meal + green tea in such wee hrs. fatty bom bom liao. hmmm.. i cant wait to go bowling, cycling, ktv-ing, jogging. such activities are too common. i think i shld juz find some xTReme sports to play. birds nest!!! hmm.. dvd player!!! camera tripod!!! mattress!! i'm crazyy !! ByeEz.. =D

wish lljj luck!!! think he will get married soon..!!! bai tou xie lao...zao sheng gui zi

i really like to read my classmates blogs. i'm inquisitive!!! HaHaaHaA! hmmm!!!

hope my bf OOT!!! eight to five forever!!! kiao ka forever!!! storeman forever!! mon to fri!!! forever!!! FOREVER!! HaHaHa!! wadeva forever!!!

yuanhongjiafengabigail FEVER!