Tuesday, April 07, 2009

yes i love to be dramatic.

but i hate to be placed in dramatic situations when i could hardly control myself physically and mentally....

the glass flask dropped on the floor and one of the glass pieces slashed my big toe, the blood was like running water. i can say its even less dense than water. its like waterfall. i hanged on for awhile to fill the cotton bud with water so that i could pressurise the blood flow. the area where i sat left a diameter of at least 10 cm circle of blood on the floor. i had blackouts for a few moments. i knocked onto every corner of my kitchen and bathroom having to suffer blueblacks on my left eye, nose bridge and my palm. lastly, i won the war as i picked myself up from the bathroom floor. half of my body soaked in water.

this was one of the unintended dramatic scene i ever had.

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