Saturday, January 06, 2007

blood diamond

the movie of the conflict diamond story... IS SO FKING NICE. totemo omoshiroi desu. enjoyed by my erjie, my bf and me! superb acting skills of coz by LEONARDO DiCaprio. woohoo!

one of his quotes in the movie
'i like to get kissed before i get fucked'
'in america its bling bling, here its bling bang!'

love it can? people, PLS GO WATCH. support edward zwick (the director) and leonardo DiCaprio. its a blockbuster la. think they use 10000million for the cast, props, bentley, guns all the cool shit. its oso a loveydovey film by jennifer connelly. when i 1st saw her scene, omg this woman is juz a common caucasian. ok as i continued to watch, shes so so so so beautiful. so nai kan. lurve nai kan ppl.

its comparable to the prestige but they have totally different plots.

after watchin this film, i know a lil bit more abt african lives. i dun wan child soldiers. i dun wan bloodshed. PLS MAKE SURE THE DIAMONDS U BUY ARE CONFLICT-FREE. oh im so proud of Danny Archer.

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