Wednesday, January 24, 2007


jap speaking test and writing test DOWN

daitai done with all the stuffs which i have been shimpai desu.

i miss SHAWNY
am going jolin's concert but ok. APRIL IS STILL FARR.
im blessed with my iac grpmates. think can AD that module.

juz talked to shawny and he mentioned edwin and petrina. classmates of alice. hahahaha. funny shit.

Saturday, January 06, 2007

blood diamond

the movie of the conflict diamond story... IS SO FKING NICE. totemo omoshiroi desu. enjoyed by my erjie, my bf and me! superb acting skills of coz by LEONARDO DiCaprio. woohoo!

one of his quotes in the movie
'i like to get kissed before i get fucked'
'in america its bling bling, here its bling bang!'

love it can? people, PLS GO WATCH. support edward zwick (the director) and leonardo DiCaprio. its a blockbuster la. think they use 10000million for the cast, props, bentley, guns all the cool shit. its oso a loveydovey film by jennifer connelly. when i 1st saw her scene, omg this woman is juz a common caucasian. ok as i continued to watch, shes so so so so beautiful. so nai kan. lurve nai kan ppl.

its comparable to the prestige but they have totally different plots.

after watchin this film, i know a lil bit more abt african lives. i dun wan child soldiers. i dun wan bloodshed. PLS MAKE SURE THE DIAMONDS U BUY ARE CONFLICT-FREE. oh im so proud of Danny Archer.

Thursday, January 04, 2007


thermo 46/70
ipc 35/50
biomol 71/100
em3 93/100

estimated GPA = 2.8 again (my sis say its v low) zz haha. sadness looms.

im sad but i surely dun hav the idea of gg uni. i wan to work, i sick of studyin liao. lol byes

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Taipei and y'all.

hello friends.

i am v impatient dealin w the slow connection w Blogger so i have not been uploading any pics.

and yes, happy twenty07.

Taipei is damn cold. i cannot tahan. OK I KNOW ITS NOT LIKE VANCOUVER OR LA OR LONDON OR JAPAN that has a temp below 10degreescelcius. my coldest day was in Danshui. both my hands were so icy that i never want to take my bulky camera out and hav some shots. and now i reGRETted. forget it. i luv danshui!

I had fun at Wu Fen Pu so i think i am the WuFenPu Walker. I ate my fave fried quail eggs which are sold at $1 for abt 6eggs. I bought cheap clothes there but was quite unlucky to have gone on Monday coz they only sell in bulk, not singular. When i asked the salesgirl on the price of a simple yet beautiful pants, she told me NT1600. den i wondered, wtf so exp. ok actually its the bulk price. zzzz :D before that, we went Taipei 101. it costs SGD15 to get to the 89th floor. ok ten of us paid and loitered up there for as long as we wanted cos $15 is exp. ahhahazzz. that minimised our time spent over @ WuFenPu. it is really a huge shopping place. with duno how many shops selling ALL DIFFERENT CLOTHES. really every shop sells different clothes. but sadly for the footwear, all sell the same ones. so boring. the boots over there only SGD25 to SGD50 but i nv buy la. dajie saw this rainboots @ shihlin there. it costs $70 while in SG, $150 is the minimum price one can catch. SHE NEVER BUY! I'M SAD FOR HER. shucks.

dajie's bf is Taipei Walker cos he appeared in almost every photo.

im really lazee to tok abt wad i did at taipei but i'm sure i will regret not elaborating on it. roughly.... we went taipei101, wufenpu, shihlin night market twice, ximending (we stayed in the heart of ximending =P) and jiu fen! jiu fen is a TU-CHAN place. V V EXP TU CHAN. hahaha ok la. the mochi is very nice! got strawberry, peanut, etc etc alot varieties but my fav is peanut la. the huang li su is damn nice too!

i hate chou dofu. i hate tian bu la. i hate geng. i hate the really pretty girls there. for ur info, theres no handsomies. their girls, dressed in beautiful furcoats, leggings, pretty scarfs, prettily permed hair. but i think i prettier. zzzzzz ahhaa.

i went to cut hair at ximending. hahahah. my hairdresser gimme her namecard. its really kewl. it has her face on the card. and her name is Queena. she styled and straightened my hair. its really stylish or maybe not. ok any new hairstyle is always better than the hairstyle i always have. contradicting. but i guess some of u noe wad i mean.

hmms.. i quite enjoyed my SQ flight to and fro. hahahaha. i now see how bored can one air stewardess get. doing the same old routine during every flight. its irritatingly irritating. but for the sake of getting 4k a mth and 25% off all the goods at the airport, who will care abt the boredom? u can serve first class, get to know the business men and they may marry u or sth. ok one last thing, i love the taipei chinese lunch. ahhaha. damn nice. lurbe it.

BACK TO SCH. COMT SUCKS. i'm really stressed. i jus dropped 300strands of hair. i counted 150 halfway. so i expected 300toppled. hahaha. zz ok. byes. more updates soon if i like it.